Member Info
chevron_rightWhat is the purpose of our homeowner's association? Homeowners associations (HOAs) are organizations which deal with the upkeep of a neighborhood's common areas, and establish standards of acceptable behavior and upkeep for a community.
chevron_rightDoes our homeowner's association have elected officers? Yes. Each Village in Courthouse Estates has its own board of directors. The Village Directors manage the common Village areas and serve as a point of contact for their specific community. One Director from each Village is appointed to serve as an Courthouse Estates Association Board Director. The CHE Association Directors manage the affairs of the Association and ensure member compliance with community standards. The CHE Association and Village Board officers are selected and their duties are listed in our community By-Laws.
chevron_rightWhat should homeowner's know about their association membership? Each homeowner is legally obligated to abide by our Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&Rs), By-Laws, and Articles of Incorporation. These documents are recorded with the deed and transfer with the property. Each homeowner should be familiar with our community documents. Before closing on your loan, you should request a copy of the Declaration of CC&R (you’ll be signing a document saying you read it, after all).
chevron_rightHow does our association control the exterior appearance of our community? Control over any change in use or any additions, modifications, or alterations is the responsibility of the Association acting through the Architectural Committee. Architectural Control Committee (ACC) Guidelines have been established and recorded as the governing community guidelines. Any exterior alteration by homeowner has to be approved by the ACC. Each homeowner should be familiar with the recorded ACC Guidelines and the ACC application process. Unapproved exterior alterations are a violation of community documents.